Stay Motivated

Assalamualaikum and Hi :) We almost reached the end of the june and yet, I'm still here, stucking myself at home doing babysitters things and of course packaging my stuff cause just another few days and I'm going to start new journey of life. Lambatnyaaaa. Yeah admit that. Totally ramai yg ckp and tanya "eh x blaja lagi?" all that kind of questions whenever I step myself out of the house. Ok here, semua orang ada hitam and putih dalam life diorng. Putih, cerah, means jalan tu sentiasa mudah and terang untuk kita lalui. Everrything seems easy and perfect. Got straight A's, went to the best universities, makes parents proud, a handsome boyfriend(maybe) haaa. Heaven dunia kan. Be thankful :) But then ad yang sentiasa face jalan yg susah. Gelappp. Didn't manage to get the best results. Having problem to check-in into any UA, having money problem and else. Just, be thankful too :) 

Whenever you are in black or white or you named it as other things, just be thankful. Think about others that are facing more sucks life, those who don't have time to think bout studies cause they are too focusing on how to keep themselves safe from bomb. Think about those who struggling searching for food as a DAY MEAL while us? Just walk ourselves to the kitchen and grab something yummy right? So this is it. Just ignore what others talked or abuse you mentally. Let them felt contented or pleased satisfied with those cruel words came from their mouth. Allah ada. No worries. Stay motivated! Just because people talked something bad about you then you're going to give up? No of course not. Think about others who always support you since you were born. Think about those who always be by your side and always have faith to Allah. He's the best planner. You are not alone. Never. 

Don't let those bad cruel people who were actually jealous of you check in your mind cause it's too useless. How to manage people like that? Ignore. the best way. Do not feel guilty at all cause at least you don't have to be hypocrite and felt more hurts inside. Doa je so that hati ni bersih dari titik hitam. Focus on your studies and think about parents. Make them proud. Be a good muslims that's important. Anak yang baik x semestinya yang jadi prime minister but those who jaga solat, sentiasa doakan parents and hadiahkan syurga untuk parents(InsyaAllah) Allah Allah Allah. Allah is the greatest. Nothing can be compared. Have faith in Him. Kalau doa then Allah tak makbulkan. Be thankful. Maybe that's the best choice. Again, Allah is the best planner. But the most important thing is believe in yourself cause you are the one who going to move yourself. Take care of yourself and Stay Motivated!